Blogs Tagged “Robin”
Distinguished Critique: Superman and Batman: Generations and Superman and Batman Generations 2 ReviewAn intriguing premise is clumsily executed at times, hampering these series' ability to work in tandem in telling an original narrative
Distinguished Critique: Batman: Second Chances ReviewSeveral mediocre stories by experienced storytellers are bolstered somewhat by understanding this volume's historical significance
Distinguished Critique: The New Teen Titans (vol. 1) ReviewThough perhaps too heavily reliant on parent-centric conflict, New Teen Titans successfully reintroduces a DC superteam to the Bronze Age
Distinguished Critique: The Untold Legend of the Batman ReviewDC's second-ever limited series isn't as adroit as Frank Miller in exploring Batman's origin, but it nobly distills the hero's history into a succinct examination of his mission
Distinguished Critique: "Superman: For the Man Who Has Everything" ReviewThis classic annual pits Superman against his soul's desire, showcasing the struggle of a hero versus the heart
Distinguished Critique: "Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying" ReviewThe third Robin debuts in a tale that delivers catharsis in the face of overwhelming tragedy
Distinguished Critique: "Batman: A Death in the Family" ReviewThis classic tragedy is constructed upon some coincidence yet serves as a much-needed arc for a spurned Robin who develops before he dies