Blogs Tagged “Random Reviews”
Random Reviews: John Byrne's Next Men (Book One)Save for a fumbled twist, these first issues introduce readers to an original superhero series John Byrne controls every step of the way
Random Reviews: Nexus: As It Happened (vol. 1)Mike Baron and Steve Rude introduce a complex character in an original sci-fi series not to be missed by 80s comics fans
Random Reviews: PlutonaThough hampered by a truncated conclusion, Plutona engagingly explores what happens when the superhuman mingles with a coming-of-age narrative
Random Reviews: BuzzkillA unique limited series, Buzzkill tackles a very human problem through an unexpected lens...with unexpected results
Random Reviews: John Constantine, Hellblazer (vol. 1): Original SinsThis first volume collects a small portion of a classic series, occasionally muddled but driven by its fractured protagonist
Random Reviews: Saga of the Swamp Thing (Book 1) Review (Gods and Monsters, Part 1)Alan Moore recreates a classic DC hero in issues truly fulfilling their "mature" label, for philosophical pondering if not for content
Random Reviews: MausA singular accomplishment, Maus uniquely, poignantly shares a narrative which history should never forget
Random Reviews: Pitt (vol. 1)Dale Keown's Image contribution should hold up better than it does, well-constructed panels surpassing the strengths of the narrative
Random Reviews: Wetworks: Rebirth (The Image Review-lution, Part 7)Whilce Portacio's contribution to early Image is muddled, forsaking some interesting character development for an at-odds assortment of story concepts
Random Reviews: Cyberforce: The Tin Men of War (The Image Review-lution, Part 6)Violence and assorted characters diminish an intriguing central protagonist whose development is hastened by disappointing twists
Random Reviews: KlausChronicling Kris Kringle's origins, this series offers a deeper glimpse into the holiday hero who gives gifts...and the meaning of why we give them
Random Reviews: ShadowHawk: Out of the Shadows (The Image Review-lution, Part 5)A mediocre mystery offers some additional interest in a book about a Batman wannabe trying to figure out what kind of hero he is
Random Reviews: WildC.A.T.S. Compendium (The Image Review-lution, Part 4)Jim Lee's Image Comics contribution has problematic pacing and vapid vocabulary, but it manages to tell a complete, compelling story
Random Reviews: Savage Dragon: Baptism of Fire (The Image Review-lution, Part 3)While occasionally too quick and shallow, Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon starts off more competently than his fellow Image Comics compatriots
Random Reviews: Spawn: Origins Collection (vol. 1) (The Image Review-lution, Part 2)This series' clever concept and Todd McFarlane's striking visuals can't make up for a frenetic feast of lukewarm dialogue smothered in grimy darkness
Random Reviews: Youngblood (The Image Review-lution, Part 1)Image Comics' first series is a better representation of the company's enduring legacy than its own artistic merits
Random Reviews: I Am StanThis illustrated examination of Lee's life is heartfelt and balanced even as it forsakes some depth for brevity
Random Reviews: Huck (Book 1): All-AmericanHuck rises above the darkness of modern superhero comics to become a shining star of kindness and compassion
Random Reviews: DaytripperLet the endings of one man's life encourage you to live yours