Blogs Tagged “Batman”
Distinguished Critique: Superman and Batman: Generations and Superman and Batman Generations 2 ReviewAn intriguing premise is clumsily executed at times, hampering these series' ability to work in tandem in telling an original narrative
Distinguished Critique: Batman: Second Chances ReviewSeveral mediocre stories by experienced storytellers are bolstered somewhat by understanding this volume's historical significance
Distinguished Critique: Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again ReviewThe sequel to Frank Miller's magnum opus is a disappointing blend of garish visuals, lifeless characters, and brash theming
Distinguished Critique: Batman: Tales of the Demon ReviewThis volume, though somewhat oddly structured, offers a nice cross-section detailing the original conflict between Batman and Ra's al Ghul
Distinguished Critique: Batman: Birth of the Demon ReviewA taut trilogy of tales, these graphic novels centered on Ra's al Ghul work almost as well alone, if not better, than they do together
Distinguished Critique: Justice League: A New Beginning ReviewThese issues represent a stellar start to a post-Crisis team book equal parts funny and fantastic
Distinguished Critique: The Untold Legend of the Batman ReviewDC's second-ever limited series isn't as adroit as Frank Miller in exploring Batman's origin, but it nobly distills the hero's history into a succinct examination of his mission
Distinguished Critique: The Spirit (Book One) ReviewDarwyn Cooke's take on The Spirit trades in the depth of some other narratives for an entertaining reimagining of an early comic hero
Distinguished Critique: Batman: Ego and Other Tails ReviewThis volume presents several examples of a master craftsman's calculated contributions to Gotham City
Distinguished Critique: "Batman: Year Two" ReviewThis sequel to "Year One" fails to sufficiently explore interesting ideas which deserve deeper reflection than they receive
Distinguished Critique: Millennium ReviewMillennium is divided on which story it wants to tell, and as a result, the whole series wobbles on a weak foundation
Distinguished Critique: Batman: Rules of Engagement ReviewThis narrative uniquely sets the Dark Knight Detective against Lex Luthor, a battle of wits hampered slightly by a Batman too clever for his own good
Distinguished Critique: Cosmic Odyssey ReviewA master storyteller can't quite apply his trademark characterization to a series too short for its ensemble cast
Distinguished Critique: Legends ReviewDC's first post-Crisis event fumbles its primary conceit, a cool concept and great art sacrificed on the altar of heavy-handed dialogue
Distinguished Critique: Superman: Red Son ReviewThis wonderfully imaginative take on the Superman mythos reconstructs the Man of Steel's world in an engaging, conflict-driven series
Distinguished Critique: Doomsday Clock ReviewThough certainly clever in its own right, this Watchmen "sequel" often finds itself in the shadow of its revered predecessor
Distinguished Critique: "Superman: For the Man Who Has Everything" ReviewThis classic annual pits Superman against his soul's desire, showcasing the struggle of a hero versus the heart
Distinguished Critique: Batman: Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth ReviewThis grim graphic novel is a fascinating character study of Batman and his rogues, discerning how close to the edge our Caped Crusader can crawl
Distinguished Critique: "Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying" ReviewThe third Robin debuts in a tale that delivers catharsis in the face of overwhelming tragedy
Distinguished Critique: "Batman: A Death in the Family" ReviewThis classic tragedy is constructed upon some coincidence yet serves as a much-needed arc for a spurned Robin who develops before he dies
Distinguished Critique: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns ReviewFrank Miller's famed, dystopian series redefines and revitalizes the Batman, shaping a new world around an old hero
Distinguished Critique: Superman: The Man of Steel ReviewDespite an awkward final issue, John Byrne's limited series successfully reintroduces Superman into the post-Crisis world
Distinguished Critique: "Batman: Year One" ReviewThis Post-Crisis reframing of Batman's origin is definitive and impactful, offering clever insight into the new life of Bruce Wayne and his supporting cast
Distinguished Critique: Crisis on Infinite Earths ReviewThis classic, catastrophic condensing of the DC Universe excites and amazes, but its bombast and agenda cultivate more set-pieces than engaging character moments
A Tribute to Tim Sale